February 11, 2021


Swift Solar CEO Joel Jean discusses perovskite PV commercialization and the future of solar energy on the U.S. Manufacturing of Advanced Perovskites Seminar Series

In a talk titled Perovskites at the Edge of Tomorrow, Swift Solar co-founder and CEO Joel Jean shares a founder's perspective on perovskite PV commercialization and the role of emerging solar technologies in the climate fight.

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In a talk titled Perovskites at the Edge of Tomorrow, Swift Solar co-founder and CEO Joel Jean shares a founder’s perspective on perovskite PV commercialization and the role of emerging solar technologies in the climate fight.

The seminar on February 11, 2021, is hosted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) and the U.S. Manufacturing of Advanced Perovskites (US-MAP) Consortium, of which Swift Solar is a founding member.

The presentation recording is available here.